СarSoftos.com » Programs for cars and diagnostics » Xentry OpenShell PassThru 07-08.2016

Xentry OpenShell PassThru 07-08.2016

Author: carsoftos777 | 27-09-2021, 18:37 | Programs for cars and diagnostics | Views: 4 341 | Comments: 0 | Found a bug?

Description: Xentry OpenShell PassThru - A program for diagnosing cars of the MERCEDES-BENZ concern
As the name suggests - works with J2534 adapters

Add. Information: When installing, requires 82 GB of free space.

Year / Date of Issue: 07-08.2016
Version: 07/2016
System requirements: Windows 7-8-9-10 x86-x64
Interface language: Multilingual (Russian is present)

Download file: xentry-openshell-passthru-07-08_2016__carsoftos_com.torrent [24.42 Kb] (downloads: 1006)
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